Sunday, 13 January 2013

Why It Is Easier To Stop Foreclosure

The good news is that stopping foreclosures is getting easier. It only takes a little knowledge about mortgages and how securitization works in the lending process. So you really don�t need to pay some proclaimed mortgage auditor forensic expert or hotshot attorney thousands of dollars. In fact you are better served keeping your hard earned money and educating yourself before you dish out any money.

How easy is it to stop foreclosure today? Considering that the vast majority of foreclosures conducted in the United States are wrongful pretty easy right now. The first thing that anyone contesting foreclosure should want to do is seek knowledge to learn how to audit and review their own mortgage loan. YES, this is the same as a forensic audit review too! Forensic is only a branding approach, all forensic means is anything that took place before a crime happened.
It is a CRIME if your mortgage lender prepared FAKE mortgage assignments purposely to foreclose on your home. IT is a CRIME if your mortgage lender forecloses on you wrongfully. IT is a CRIME if your mortgage lender forecloses on you without being a mortgage holder of your NOTE in due course because that would be a wrongful foreclosure. Get the POINT. Forensic audit review is ONLY a marketing sales pitch.

So the first approach before you hire an attorney or anyone to help you when don't feel comfortable with fighting foreclosure yourself is to get educated! Learn insider information about the mortgage industry and discover how to determine foreclosure defenses from improper loan documentations. It was and still is very common for bank to misplace or even falsify documents to push a foreclosure through. This is especially more common if the mortgage note was transferred as many mortgage were during the real estate boom. 

More homeowners are able to stop foreclosures by confronting mortgage lenders on wrongful actions. Banks are taking too much heat and when you can identify what is wrong with your specific loan you can scare them into giving you what you want. The odds are in your favor and you hold all the cards to make that happen. 

Do you want a better loan with the TRUE VALUE of what your home is worth now? Maybe a settlement? Lower Interest Rate and Better Terms? Forgiveness For Missed Payments? All of things options are possible if you are committed to get what you want. Being committed is key because your lender will make it very difficult to find a solution if you are facing foreclosure or in default. Just know that your lender will fight you tooth and nail every step of the way.  Stop Foreclosure

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